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Architecte HMNOP à Rambouillet : conception et design équestre

Le pôle hippique de Saint-Lô est né en 1806. Il accueille des événements de portée nationale et internationale majeure, comme prochainement le salon des étalons de sports, du 21 au 23 février 2025. Il est notamment réputé pour la présentation de jeunes chevaux en saut d'obstacle.

Entre deux épreuves de concours, il manquait un espace pour faire le lien entre les deux carrières : de détente et de présentation. Il permettra un moment de convivialité tout en admirant les chevaux.

Le maître d'ouvrage a demandé à HD Architecture de s'occuper de la conception et du dépôt de permis de construire en lien avec Liberté EventsCécile Bitton-Duris, architecte HMONP à Rambouillet, est très honorée d'avoir été choisie à travers pour être le maître d'oeuvre de ce projet de restaurant sous verrière.

We build our life, we hold on, until the day we encounter our emotions and we are sometimes destabilized...

We will therefore need to recognize our emotions and know how to base them on building our own life in a chosen framework... and with good support!

HDArchitecture is the agency that Cécile Bitton Duris founded in 2012 in Rambouillet.

Passionate about heritage, Cécile decided to create her agency in Rambouillet in 2006 while riding a horse! The millstone houses, large spaces and land allowed Cécile to make her debut.

HDArchitecture today represents numerous housing projects: individual and collective housing but also and above all intergenerational housing, as well as EHPADs.

HDArchitecture has its offices at the Haras de la Clairiere in Gazeran (78) and receives its clients in a pleasant and heritage setting, reflecting the projects managed by the company.

HD Architecture Logo

Offers from Cécile Bitton-Duris and
the Étik'A Method

“Construction is to hold, architecture is to move.”

Le Corbusier

Planning advice

Do you have a project and don't know how to approach it?

Are you wondering about your program, the layout or the management of companies on your site?

Cécile Bitton-Duris and her team offer you various consulting services tailored to your needs:

  • In video

  • In person

  • In continuous monitoring

  • In one-off intervention

We analyze all types of files and projects. Consulting can be billed by the hour or as a fixed price.

Thanks to the expertise of Cécile Bitton-Duris, HMONP Architect, and her agency HDArchitecture, we offer you quality monitoring, based on our 12 years of experience in project management and project management assistance.